
If you want to know what the people you work with think of you, hand in your notice

Bit of a rant and a story but it shows how people change when you’re no longer “useful”. I work as a qualified professional for a high street opticians. I’ve been with the company since 2004 and have made my way up from a part time retail role to my current supervisor/professional role while doing almost every job/ role within the 2 retail sites I’ve worked. But I‘ve become burnt out with the expected unpaid extra hours, the unpaid extra roles and responsibilities, the backbiting, the “office” politics, the lack of communication, the smarmy catchphrases, the constant demands from customers and staff, the out of hours contact and the god awful commute, so over the new year I looked for other opportunities. I found one at an opticians closer to home, that would involve using my qualification but none of the supervisory bullshit. Then I realised my current employer expected…

Bit of a rant and a story but it shows how people change when you’re no longer “useful”.
I work as a qualified professional for a high street opticians. I’ve been with the company since 2004 and have made my way up from a part time retail role to my current supervisor/professional role while doing almost every job/ role within the 2 retail sites I’ve worked.
But I‘ve become burnt out with the expected unpaid extra hours, the unpaid extra roles and responsibilities, the backbiting, the “office” politics, the lack of communication, the smarmy catchphrases, the constant demands from customers and staff, the out of hours contact and the god awful commute, so over the new year I looked for other opportunities.
I found one at an opticians closer to home, that would involve using my qualification but none of the supervisory bullshit.
Then I realised my current employer expected a full 3 month notice period.
The last 4.5 weeks have been hell. Attitudes towards me by staff above and below have changed, and not for the better. I’ve been shut out, ignored and ostracised because I had the temerity to put my mental health and happiness above the company, or because they’ve realised the number of roles and responsibilities that re going to have to be picked up.
I will admit that I’m hurt, sad and angry about this. People who acted like they were my friends are now acting like they’re still at school and I’m back to being the lonely nerd in the corner.
Well the joke will eventually be on them. 7.5 weeks and there’s lots of stuff they don’t know, lots of stuff they haven’t thought to ask me about, and lots of things that they could get into a whole heap of regulatory trouble about.
7.5 weeks and it’s not my problem.

So be carefully with the people you work for AND with. Their only being friendly while you’re useful…..

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