
If your company leadership starts reading a book called Traction, run for the hills

This is the third company I’ve worked in where management has been reading that book. Every time it has led to restructuring. A lot of the book is about documenting everything everyone does and then putting “the right people in the right seats” and getting rid of people who don’t fit. I’ve not worked for a management team yet that hasn’t taken that bit and run with it to make everyone’s life a living hell.

This is the third company I’ve worked in where management has been reading that book.

Every time it has led to restructuring.

A lot of the book is about documenting everything everyone does and then putting “the right people in the right seats” and getting rid of people who don’t fit.

I’ve not worked for a management team yet that hasn’t taken that bit and run with it to make everyone’s life a living hell.

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