
If you’re not working what are you doing?

Bit of a rant here. I quit my job a month ago now after my boss treated me so badly for years that my health deteriorated severely. I worked at this company and gave them my soul for 5 years and they didn’t even give me a card or well wishes when I resigned (on good terms I might add). I saved up to take a year off and though I’ll probably have to find work again before then I just wanted to share some of the responses I’ve received. I’ve only told a handful of people that I quit, and yet everyone seems to know. The news spread like wildfire in my community. No one knows my plan to take a year off they just know I quit my job. What utterly disgusts me is the comments I’ve received. Things like: You quit? So what are you doing now?…

Bit of a rant here. I quit my job a month ago now after my boss treated me so badly for years that my health deteriorated severely. I worked at this company and gave them my soul for 5 years and they didn’t even give me a card or well wishes when I resigned (on good terms I might add). I saved up to take a year off and though I’ll probably have to find work again before then I just wanted to share some of the responses I’ve received.

I’ve only told a handful of people that I quit, and yet everyone seems to know. The news spread like wildfire in my community. No one knows my plan to take a year off they just know I quit my job.

What utterly disgusts me is the comments I’ve received.

Things like:
You quit? So what are you doing now?
So you’re just at home doing nothing for the summer?
What do you do all day?
How will you live without a job?
You just sit and watch tv? Why not get a new job?
Want me to help you find a job?

The best part is my health has improved SO much since quitting, my psoriasis cleared (which I never had before starting this job), I lost some weight, I started eating better and exercising because I wanted to. Probably best of all I feel like my life has meaning. No more bathroom stall cries or s*icidl thoughts.

Contrary to what people believe about being unemployed I haven’t had one day where I’ve been bored or didn’t know what to do. I’ve filled my days with free activities and made a schedule for myself that allows me to do everything I feel like!

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