
If you’re the backbone of the office, maybe don’t micromanage that person

I ended up quitting my job because I realized I am doing everything and I was being micromanaged. I was salaried and was working like 10 hours days at home and sometimes on weekends. I kept getting mixed signals of we don’t want you working too much to the “salary means you get the job done”. So I already have an hourly job lined up that in the end I will be making more because I will be working 40. So what gets me is in my last 2 weeks I have to explain how to do everything that these people threw on me because hey I was there to do it and they didn’t have to learn it. Now they have to know what is going on. They should have know what was going on from the get go. Damn not wanting to burn bridges but my god! I…

I ended up quitting my job because I realized I am doing everything and I was being micromanaged. I was salaried and was working like 10 hours days at home and sometimes on weekends. I kept getting mixed signals of we don’t want you working too much to the “salary means you get the job done”. So I already have an hourly job lined up that in the end I will be making more because I will be working 40.

So what gets me is in my last 2 weeks I have to explain how to do everything that these people threw on me because hey I was there to do it and they didn’t have to learn it. Now they have to know what is going on. They should have know what was going on from the get go.

Damn not wanting to burn bridges but my god! I see the building burning down and can’t wait to get the hell out.

And I am not sharing I got a new job. For all they know I am taking a break. Eventually they will know when I have to change my information and word of mouth happens.

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