
If you’re tired of being used by this shitty system:

Wrote this a while back, Thought i'd share. Back to Nature: Thoughts on the current state of society, By Dallas Lewis, 1: How it is We go about our lives with a false sense of freedom. We are kept just happy enough to keep us productive and unquestioning. During our ‘Working Lives’ we spend our time as batteries, fueling a system that profits from our existence. This system thrives and those at the top reap the benefits of our labor, while our lives are prolonged by the scraps. We are fed this idea that as long as you contribute something amazing, you too can be one of those at the top. This does happen, but only to a few people. We idolize these people. The CEOs, the politicians, musicians, social media stars and celebrities. We believe them to be the pinnacle of this society we built. A beacon of light.…

Wrote this a while back, Thought i'd share.

Back to Nature:
Thoughts on the current state of society,
By Dallas Lewis,

1: How it is

We go about our lives with a false sense of freedom. We are kept just happy enough to keep us
productive and unquestioning.
During our ‘Working Lives’ we spend our time as batteries, fueling a system that profits from our
existence. This system thrives and those at the top reap the benefits of our labor, while our lives
are prolonged by the scraps.
We are fed this idea that as long as you contribute something amazing, you too can be one of
those at the top. This does happen, but only to a few people. We idolize these people. The
CEOs, the politicians, musicians, social media stars and celebrities. We believe them to be the
pinnacle of this society we built. A beacon of light.
Contribution is all we are good for. Contribution to everyone before ourselves. Our value is
based on what we can contribute. Only after we have provided our service, can we then take
care of ourselves.
We know that a roof above our head, and food in our stomachs is all we need, and this system
provides those things, as long as you contribute enough that it sees you as worthy of recieving them.
The Comforts that we enjoy are a good reason to continue to contribute. The Music, Movies,
Art, Cars, trips to paradise,Video Games, ceell phones, and internet. These Things are not inherently bad, but they are
used as tools to keep us from feeling like the slaves that we truly are.
Should we not contribute to ourselves and our tribes first? Should the fruits of our labors not
directly impact us? The only contribution necessary is contribution to our own existences.
We have been told that to support our family, we should work a job, or contribute something
worthwhile to everyone else. Survival is our job, and that consists of 3 things. Food, Shelter, and
continuation of our species. These needs should be met through hard work, but work only for
ourselves and our tribes.

2:Who we are

A lot of us have been diagnosed with ADHD, or have been placed on the spectrum later in life. After
years of feeling off. We were called bright once. They called us advanced while in elementary school. When we put our mind and heart into something, we excel at it. We learn quickly. Now as adults though,
we are thought of as lazy.
We have a hard time keeping a steady job. We love to learn the skills at the start, but as we
spend time using them over and over, we grow bored. We then find a new job, normally in a
drastically different industry. This cycle repeats. With the only sense of accomplishment coming
with a paycheck that will disappear as quickly as it came.
However, When we learn to do something for ourselves, we want to do it endlessly. When we
learn a skill that directly impacts our life, we feel worthy, we feel happy. This could be learning
how to hunt or fish, applying new found carpentry skills, or how to play an instrument. It can all bring us joy. This is
our brains way of incentivizing us to survive, and to learn and adapt for ourselves.

We feel alone, and out of place. Constantly searching for something we can’t seem to find. We
are put on medications and are told that feeling this way isn’t normal. That it should be
corrected. I believe this to be a surfacing of our minds desire to return to a natural lifestyle.
If we were to live for ourselves, our successes would feel like the greatest accomplishments on
earth, so much better than a fifty cent raise. Once we’ve sowed seeds for our tribes we will feel
accomplished. When we learn to track game, we feel a comfort we’ve never known. These
feelings don’t grow stagnant like they do in this system.
That lost feeling will go away, and a new purpose of self will be felt. We will be able to better
handle the bad with the good. Because the only true purpose of any species is to live for them
and their small community, every day. No goals, no aspirations, just feeding and bettering our
individual communities with our own hands.

3: Giving Time, Losing ourselves

Your time is your own, and yours to give to those you wish, not to those you must. Because we
need to buy things, we spend more time working for other people, and providing for other
people, that our relationships with our families suffer because of it. Rather than learning as a
family, and living our lives together, we have to dedicate our lives to others. Our children are raised by
others, and we become emotionally unavailable after a long week. But thats ok because we will
take them to Disney world as soon as we get that raise at work. Then the water heater goes out,
and we’re broke for another 3 months.
When we finally retire at 65, or whatever the age will be, then we can enjoy ourselves, only to
find that we are too old to do any of the things we wanted to. The things that were our light at the end of the tunnel. Our bodies crippled from years of
tedious labor for others. But once you retire, the system isn’t done with you. As they return the
money we’ve put in our whole lives, we continue to give it back right back, by being the best consumers. Picture a casino’s interior. Loaded to the brim with those of our older generations. They are
spending their life’s work, in an attempt to better their lives. To find that jackpot and finally be
able to relax.
All because living retirement check to retirement check, after giving our whole life, isn’t actually
all that relaxing. We still have a house payment, property tax, heating and cooling, and all the
other things we were paying for while we were working, but now we are on a fixed income.
Those hospital bills for our degrading health add up too, that is if we aren’t one of the people
who dies shortly after retirement.

4: Danger is only natural

We have convinced ourselves that this life is far better than one of self sufficiency and daily survival. We are
constantly alerted to the dangers of the wilderness. We find comfort in knowing that they are out
there, and we are in here.
The world we live in is far more dangerous. Car accidents, robbery, rape, murder, negligence.
The list goes on and on, and we face these dangers every day. Day in and day out. We don’t
even think about most of them, we are ignorant to their existence, until they happen to us. We
may even be the negligent ones from time to time. Complacent in our safety, believing we are
guaranteed a long life.
We watch news stories of terrible things happening, and continue on with our day as if the same
can't happen to us. Two weeks ago about fifty four miles away from me, a train derailed and
spilled a slew of toxic fumes, chemicals, smoke and unnatural substances into our environment.
The animals in the area are reported to be sick and dying. Fish, Dogs, Cats, and birds. This
event could possibly end the lives of people who had no part in the event at all.
One thing is certain, our death here is much more likely to be a result of someone else’s actions or negligence,
As opposed to being due to our own failure or natural passing. This is not true when leading a
natural life. All scenarios faced while living self sufficiently are a result of our actions alone.

5: Take only what you need

This earth has provided, and will continue to provide for millennia to come. We think of
ourselves as a separate entity from nature. We take from earth to build a life completely
separate from it. When the truth is that we are as much a part of this earth as an ant, or a fish.
We take more than we should, to build things that we don’t need. Skyscrapers, factories, and
monuments to our unnatural existence.
We rape lands for their resources, only to take those resources and use them to further the
worlds destruction. We toss away the fruits of the earth to rot, rather than be eaten, because
that fruit didn’t sell. Very few species of animals completely destroy the areas in which they live. Most species live
within the means of their surroundings.
Taking what they need to survive, and moving to the next area to do the same thing. This leaves
an ever regenerating path of resources. One that we do not have. We take at a rate much
quicker than can be replenished.
An animals waste benefits the earth, most of our waste damages it. Even in the case of wild pigs, known to decimate eco systems, but thats not exactly true. Their waste creates an entirely new ecosystem.

When a population of animals becomes too dense, we begin to see a rise in the diseases that
cause death. Natures way of quelling that surge. Humans, on the other hand, have found ways
to go against nature, and to prolong the lives of so many. Our oldest generations using
resources and providing nothing, while the three generations below them work to supply everyone.
We are not unique in the grand scheme of things here on earth. We are slightly more intelligent
than most other species. Or at the least, more capable of applying our intelligence. We are
meant to live, eat, breathe, reproduce and die just the same as any other species. We are
meant to do what we have to in order to survive, and that is it. No goal of propelling our race
forward, making future generations more destructive, more needy. More reliant on the work of others, than their own.

All of us are capable of more than we ever imagined. We’ve spent the better years of our lives,
dreaming of being rich or famous. Hoping to find comfort. Only to find that it is nearly impossible, and most of us
will live paycheck to paycheck until our deaths.

6: Set up to fail

This system was optional at one point. You could move to the city, and become a part of it. Or
you could found a homestead, and remain separate. This is not the case now. Now, once you
are born you are a part of it. You’re stuck with a cattle number, and expected to learn what it
wants you to learn. To do what it wants you to do. If you want to leave, the system is designed
for you to fail.
There is no claiming your own land. You will be arrested for squatting, vagrancy, trespassing,
poaching, or a number of other laws designed to keep you here.
People who speak out are silenced. We’re told they were crazy, or dangerous. This system can
murder us if we speak too loudly, or cause a commotion they do not like.

We are not allowed to use nature to sustain ourselves without this system’s say so. Hunting and
fishing licenses. Laws against collecting rain water, or relieving yourself in nature. Limits on
what and when we can hunt.
These limits were imposed because commercial hunting wiped out massive amounts of animals
back in the day. Not hunting to be self-sufficient, but hunting to supply society with material. To live, you owe this society. If we purchase land, we must continue to produce because we owe a
property tax.

We are held here solely by fear. A fear of death or imprisonment. We are already prisoners. We
are already guaranteed a death here. For some, it may come wrongfully at the hands of law
enforcement, or a drunk driver. For others, failing health due to a life of eating unnatural foods, Working with unnatural chemicals,
and sacrificing our bodies

7: The message

This is to anyone who needs to hear it, to all who do not fit. To those who struggle to be
programmed as another piece of the machine. To those who do not wish to spend their lives
making others wealthy, while they enjoy our lives and we set aside our freedom for a
comfortable lie.
Accept our place in this world, in the natural order of things. Realize that our time is our own,
and that it is much better spent producing and building for ourselves and our families rather than
people you’ll never meet. Find your tribe, those who feel the same, and make them your family.
Find your innate human courage and take the leap. I promise, you’ll find it to be much less
terrifying and unpredictable than this mess.
Do so with a fire in our hearts, and the desire to reclaim what is ours. Our lives. Do this
peacefully, and without bringing harm to those who do not deserve it. We should be able to exist
entirely on our own, without taking from others. Without hurting others. While a tribe is ideal, an
individual can lead a fulfilling life. We can provide for ourselves, what we need to live as well as
what few things we need for comfort.
We have a universe of knowledge at our disposal, both through the internet and written works. There has never been a better time to jump ship.
Learn the skills you’ll need in order to live, and then go do just that.
If you cannot find your way in this world, reframe your thinking. It is not you that is out of place,
or damaged. But rather, it is this system. You were not meant to function in it. Your purpose is
greater than it. Your purpose is to live the life you can, by your own means, and to bring love,
comfort and life to those immediately around you. No one else.
Nothing is guaranteed, and survival is never a sure thing. It will be the hardest thing we ever do
in our lives. With a will to live, and a willingness to adapt and learn, I believe we can live the way
we are meant to. As a part of this planet, rather than the cancer that is destroying it.

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