
I’m 26, just got accepted to several Ivies and Oxbridge for a Master’s, have worked my butt off for 9 years and I’m antiwork

I guess there's this attitude around that antiwork people are lazy, want to put in the least amount of effort, gripe about their jobs and their managers. And sure, some are like that and I'm not gonna judge because fuck this dystopia, deal with it how you see fit. But I've been faithfully playing the system since I turned eighteen, working my way through the cheapest, closest to home school I could find, having almost no student loans, no car loan, no credit card debt, living with parents. I even lucked out and made a ton of money during COVID due to a very unique situation, ended up saving half my income in 2021. I'm a hard worker who has always had stellar performance reviews, great relationships with every supervisor. I worked retail and service for seven years and I went through the trenches. And I still can't get ahead.…

I guess there's this attitude around that antiwork people are lazy, want to put in the least amount of effort, gripe about their jobs and their managers. And sure, some are like that and I'm not gonna judge because fuck this dystopia, deal with it how you see fit.

But I've been faithfully playing the system since I turned eighteen, working my way through the cheapest, closest to home school I could find, having almost no student loans, no car loan, no credit card debt, living with parents. I even lucked out and made a ton of money during COVID due to a very unique situation, ended up saving half my income in 2021. I'm a hard worker who has always had stellar performance reviews, great relationships with every supervisor. I worked retail and service for seven years and I went through the trenches.

And I still can't get ahead. Trying to find a job right now and it's like pulling teeth. Everything is a step down in pay and responsibility. Despite my fair sized nest egg, I will still need to take a loan for my master's, which I'll be paying off for the next ten years. I don't have a partner or kids and have honestly not bothered dating for the last three years and foreseeable future. I don't have a house. Tbh I don't have a car rn. I have about 200 dollars in my retirement fund. But a Master's degree has become an entry requirement to my desired field so it's that or retirement, you know? And rn I don't even think I'll live to 65. The seas will rise by then.

I'm not antiwork because I don't like labor. I'm antiwork because being a good worker doesn't matter. Being intelligent (insofar as academics define that) doesn't matter. The system is structured to bleed you dry. I DO work hard. I did everything right, except pick the right career field. I just want to do what I'm passionate about and help people. But that doesn't make money.

That's why I'm antiwork. People should be able to make a meaningful contribution to society and not sacrifice their retirement, owning a home, and chances at having a family simply because that work isn't valued by the system.

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