
I’m 38 and my boss and coworkers treat me like a child

I started working at my job 1 year ago after my family moved from ME to GA and convinced me to move, too. I took a 30k a year paycut and started here when my daughter was 2 weeks old. Im 38 years old by the way, and I work with 4 other people only who are all 20-30 years older than me and have all worked together for 20 years. My transition to a new state has been absurdly hard but this job was REALLY great about it… at first. Then I realized how toxic this work “family” is. Friday was the final straw. I have a habit of working on projects to the point I work through lunch and have occasionally (i would say 5 times) asked my boss if I could leave early to compensate for the fact I never took a lunch. She said no then…

I started working at my job 1 year ago after my family moved from ME to GA and convinced me to move, too. I took a 30k a year paycut and started here when my daughter was 2 weeks old. Im 38 years old by the way, and I work with 4 other people only who are all 20-30 years older than me and have all worked together for 20 years. My transition to a new state has been absurdly hard but this job was REALLY great about it… at first. Then I realized how toxic this work “family” is.

Friday was the final straw. I have a habit of working on projects to the point I work through lunch and have occasionally (i would say 5 times) asked my boss if I could leave early to compensate for the fact I never took a lunch. She said no then lectured me due to using 3 hours of my accrued time off a couple days prior to leave due to my daughter having a dental emergency (she knocked out a tooth at school) and she told me to get back to my desk. I get many lectures. Many, many lectures.

In December my husband and I had a 12 week miscarriage which I had to be hospitalized for, and when I got back from 4 days of unpaid leave she lectured me on not getting pregnant again. Im still not OK with how everything went down regarding that, especially since neither my boss or her boss gave me the option of FMLA, instead, my paycheck was $200 short that month.

I make $13.50 an hour with a college degree and am so over being treated like a child at this job. It's the night before I go back to work and at this point, I truly don't want to but have zero idea how to quit in a way it wont result in a lecture or being treated like a child. I have a couple upcoming interviews for other jobs making a couple more bucks an hour but Im worried if i dump this job before I get an offer, theyll give me a terrible reference.

I need advice on a good resignation letter or convo with my boss or even her boss; when I first started thinking about quitting I wanted to give 2 weeks notice but after Friday, nope.

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