
I’m a business owner and my partner is the complete opposite of me

Before you judge me, please read the text first. I started a small company a few years ago with a good friend of mine. Now we're “big” enough to think about employees. Since a few weeks we had multiple discussions about how we should run the company with employees. He's all about business, no home office, minimum wage and no benefits. I'm on the other hand have the credo if you pay your employees fair, give them the respect they deserve, they will do good work eventually. I'm also that kind of “boss” who wants to give his employees a fair share of the annual profit. In German it's called “Mitarbeiter” (with-workers) but most CEOs I know see their employees as “Fürarbeiter” (for-workers) – I despite this attitude! In my opinion, work will change dramatically in the next few years. I started this company because I wanted to be my…

Before you judge me, please read the text first.

I started a small company a few years ago with a good friend of mine. Now we're “big” enough to think about employees. Since a few weeks we had multiple discussions about how we should run the company with employees. He's all about business, no home office, minimum wage and no benefits. I'm on the other hand have the credo if you pay your employees fair, give them the respect they deserve, they will do good work eventually. I'm also that kind of “boss” who wants to give his employees a fair share of the annual profit.

In German it's called “Mitarbeiter” (with-workers) but most CEOs I know see their employees as “Fürarbeiter” (for-workers) – I despite this attitude!

In my opinion, work will change dramatically in the next few years. I started this company because I wanted to be my own boss; in comparison to my partner, I didn't forget where I come from. But now, I'm overthinking this decision.

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