
I’m a non-union plumber looking to potentially move out of state and join a plumbing union in California.

Hi everyone, I’m currently on the tail end of my plumbing apprenticeship in Indiana. My original plan after receiving my journeyman/plumbing contractors is to leave my current job and go out on my own and work for myself. However over the last 6+ months my girlfriend and I have been considering moving out to Northern California. We have vacationed there multiple times and prefer it out there in pretty much every way. She finished college last May and is currently working outside of her degree so changing job fields wouldn’t be an issue for her. I don’t have a college degree and don’t want to change job fields either. My question is what difficulties might I face joining a union with my background? We’re on different codes and the license would not carry over from what I understand. Would I have to completely restart an apprenticeship? Does anyone have any…

Hi everyone,

I’m currently on the tail end of my plumbing apprenticeship in Indiana. My original plan after receiving my journeyman/plumbing contractors is to leave my current job and go out on my own and work for myself. However over the last 6+ months my girlfriend and I have been considering moving out to Northern California. We have vacationed there multiple times and prefer it out there in pretty much every way. She finished college last May and is currently working outside of her degree so changing job fields wouldn’t be an issue for her. I don’t have a college degree and don’t want to change job fields either. My question is what difficulties might I face joining a union with my background? We’re on different codes and the license would not carry over from what I understand. Would I have to completely restart an apprenticeship? Does anyone have any wage information?

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