
I’m about to file a grievance against my Exec Director. He is verbally abusive and constantly belittles people. What can I expect? Long story.

I work for a local city agency in a democrat state that has union protection. My position is a Union position and my bosses position is not a union position. The majority of my peers are also in the union as well. To some of the behaviors by my boss is that he has for several years been verbally abusive to all of the staff, and the majority of people who have quit or transferred to a different agency have told the rest of us that the boss was a major reason why. due to the fear of retaliation, the majority of people would never say anything about the boss. Therefore, I have a feeling I am by myself in filing this grievance. I will give you examples below as to what he does. • constantly corrects people in a group setting and then treats them like a child, using…

I work for a local city agency in a democrat state that has union protection. My position is a Union position and my bosses position is not a union position. The majority of my peers are also in the union as well. To some of the behaviors by my boss is that he has for several years been verbally abusive to all of the staff, and the majority of people who have quit or transferred to a different agency have told the rest of us that the boss was a major reason why. due to the fear of retaliation, the majority of people would never say anything about the boss. Therefore, I have a feeling I am by myself in filing this grievance. I will give you examples below as to what he does.
• constantly corrects people in a group setting and then treats them like a child, using phrases such as “pay attention” and “if you looked at the screen, you would find your answer”. Then after he says something rude to you, if you try to respond by saying “I am paying attention”, he will just cut you off and speak over you and get louder so that you don’t have an opportunity to stand up for yourself. Then he will use that example later if he is disciplining you, using the before example, of what you’ve done wrong and because you weren’t able to stand up for yourself, he sees it that he was correct.
• another example is when one of his employees broke their laptop. As soon as the director found out about it, he demanded for I.T. to bring the laptop to him where he berated the employees manager, telling everybody on a conference call with at least a dozen people. How disgusting the laptop was, and how that person does not need a laptop because they cannot take care of it because it’s too filthy, and that he did not even want to touch the laptop because it was so filthy and disgusting and he can no longer keep the laptop at home because they cannot take care of a laptop so they must come in and pick up the laptop from the office each day in order to go into the field. – sidenote the employee that broke the laptop is a field employee that is in constantly dirty IT rooms full of storage and dust and debris. Therefore it is entirely reasonable for the laptop to get dusty and dirty due to the job. Also, the Director tried to get that employee to pay for and fix that laptop at his own expense, telling everyone that was a reasonable solution to the issue. The employee decline to do so.

  • this Director constantly cusses at people and also accuses them of lying when they need to leave the office because of emergencies and on one example sent an email to their entire department, telling one employee that if they are scheduled to be at work then they need to be in the office, even though the employee had sent an email stating there was an emergency at home and they must leave.

• There are sooo many more examples and it’s entirely possible that SOMEONE (I couldn’t image who!!! ) has recorded each of these conversations and so many more for proof especially because it’s hard to describe how vicious this Director talks to people and the tone they use dripping with disdain for the staff. Please let me know what you think! Our only goal is for him to no longer manage us (or anyone really!)

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