
I’m afraid of the coming weeks

So past August I finally got a job, after being unemployed for about a year and a half because of mental health issues and even though it's a minimum wage job, my colleagues were literal angels throughout my whole time there and going almost every day improved my mental health and self esteem a lot. I've been struggling with a depressive phase in the past months after a panic attack in November and to make it worse I got told last Wednesday that I'll be let go, not only a week before the manager (that doesn't like me) hands over the store to someone else but also a week before my “test time” is over. It's just so unfair after finally having found a place which I'd rather call a safe space over my own home, only to leave it now because our manager doesn't like me for no reason…

So past August I finally got a job, after being unemployed for about a year and a half because of mental health issues and even though it's a minimum wage job, my colleagues were literal angels throughout my whole time there and going almost every day improved my mental health and self esteem a lot.

I've been struggling with a depressive phase in the past months after a panic attack in November and to make it worse I got told last Wednesday that I'll be let go, not only a week before the manager (that doesn't like me) hands over the store to someone else but also a week before my “test time” is over.

It's just so unfair after finally having found a place which I'd rather call a safe space over my own home, only to leave it now because our manager doesn't like me for no reason and because they “hired too many people.”

The next 2 weeks are my last there and I have no idea what to do after that. Yeah, I'm looking for a new job and stuff but I doubt I have the energy to fight myself into getting tons of rejections again, only to land in a place I'm 100% sure will be worse.

I'm afraid of what'll come at me after then. Our manager hands the store over to someone else though, so maybe I can negotiate with them but I doubt that since the message that we were too many came from the higher ups.

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