
I’m an empath and get taken advantage of easily, How do I get used to standing my ground at a job without sounding like an AH?

An empath with small experiences that is.. I’m a young adult and have little to no experience with real world work environments. I’ve always been used to working in family businesses, completely different imo when it comes to getting a job in outside of family businesses. Found out the hard way that I don’t really know much about what’s crossing boundaries and what AH behavior is really like when it comes to working with “strangers”. More or less, if when I’m standing up for myself then is it actually right for me to do so or if I’m just being dramatic and nonsensical? Depending on the situation ofc but let’s just all say as young as I am I’m at least logical. Any advice? Do I really just have to be an AH to get it through to people that I know my worth and will keep it that way?…

An empath with small experiences that is.. I’m a young adult and have little to no experience with real world work environments. I’ve always been used to working in family businesses,

completely different imo when it comes to getting a job in outside of family businesses.

Found out the hard way that I don’t really know much about what’s crossing boundaries and what AH behavior is really like when it comes to working with “strangers”.

More or less, if when I’m standing up for myself then is it actually right for me to do so or if I’m just being dramatic and nonsensical? Depending on the situation ofc but let’s just all say as young as I am I’m at least logical.

Any advice? Do I really just have to be an AH to get it through to people that I know my worth and will keep it that way?

Or is selling my worth really worth it to keep a damn job?

How do you deal with this when on the first day of the job?

What should I prepare for? mentally?

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