
I’m being royally screwed over by a 0 hours contract… How is this allowed? (UK)

I work on a zero hours contract but was originally hired in November on the idea I'd be “full time”. My manager doesn't like me and has been very passive aggressive for a while. My hours have been gradually cut down to the point I'm getting on average maybe 1 4 hour shift a week. Even then there's a high likelihood she won't even call me in for the shift and just do it herself. I'm on universal credit already and am actively job hunting. Would I be better of just quitting to get away from the stress? I've tried talking to said manager and she blew me off and said that I'm still getting some work and she's not obligated to give me more. I don't know what to do I can barely survive. This is so ridiculous and unfair. That one petty manager with a god complex can…

I work on a zero hours contract but was originally hired in November on the idea I'd be “full time”. My manager doesn't like me and has been very passive aggressive for a while. My hours have been gradually cut down to the point I'm getting on average maybe 1 4 hour shift a week. Even then there's a high likelihood she won't even call me in for the shift and just do it herself.

I'm on universal credit already and am actively job hunting. Would I be better of just quitting to get away from the stress? I've tried talking to said manager and she blew me off and said that I'm still getting some work and she's not obligated to give me more. I don't know what to do I can barely survive.

This is so ridiculous and unfair. That one petty manager with a god complex can ruin your livelihood for no reason. I always work hard, I'm never late, and I always go above and beyond. This is my reward. I'm only in my early twenties and I can't see a future for myself that doesn't involve the streets. How did we let society get this messed up.

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