
I’m curious if anyone else worked for NCLA before they dissolved.. the amount of fraud committed and illegal work practices was mond blowing and I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. Norwegian cruise lines American division

Okay here's what happened to me I went to bartending school and ended up getting hired on Norwegian Cruise line ships American division as anyone in the industry knows that the cruise line industry notoriously avoids being an american-based company for a lot of legal reasons. Specifically work laws and protections. Well Hawaii has specific rules when it comes to that since they're an annexed state. And I learned later that the hiring process was done specifically out of ghettos and they were targeting people in poverty and poor areas because they knew they wouldn't have the resources to get back home after they were flown to Hawaii under deceptive terms. When I brought up issues about my job that I was hired for and the job that I was given I was basically told if I had an issue they could drop me off at the small port on…

Okay here's what happened to me I went to bartending school and ended up getting hired on Norwegian Cruise line ships American division as anyone in the industry knows that the cruise line industry notoriously avoids being an american-based company for a lot of legal reasons. Specifically work laws and protections.

Well Hawaii has specific rules when it comes to that since they're an annexed state. And I learned later that the hiring process was done specifically out of ghettos and they were targeting people in poverty and poor areas because they knew they wouldn't have the resources to get back home after they were flown to Hawaii under deceptive terms. When I brought up issues about my job that I was hired for and the job that I was given I was basically told if I had an issue they could drop me off at the small port on one of the islands and I can figure out my own way home. The cost to the main island was not cheap and then the flight from there to the mainland was crazy expensive so they knew what they were doing

Needless to say the living conditions on the ship were abysmal One of the ships was notorious for having the crew area smell like s*** because they vented all the septic in that area.I could go on and on about this crazy stuff on the ship and the illegal stuff they pulled on us.if you have any questions or input I'm curious others experiences.

We never got paid for training even though they flew us out to piney point Maryland where the ex maritime marine academy was(some people worked for free for 5+ months waiting on the FBI to clear the maritime certificate). When we Arrived to the training “facility” were greeted with armed guards and barbed wire fences and told if we tried to leave we we would be forced to find our own way home in the middle of nowhere about 4 hours from a airport this was before Uber mind you or anything like that.

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