
I’m disabled on different benefits, does anyone have any tips?

I'm on SSDI, applying for SSI & food stamps, and I'm elligible for benefits through my dad since he was a Vet and I was his dependent. My family home is paid off & has solar, which my father did for me, but now that my father has passed recently, the property tax freeze will discontinue. Even though I was his disabled dependent, the tax freeze only passes to spouses, as is the law in NJ. My mother passed long before my father. Neither of them left much in savings. The property taxes in NJ are 6,000-7,000 a year. I know I have options for apartments & such, but I'd rather not leave my home. and moving out of state would be complicated & I'd be moving away from my support system, even if they're distant support.. with all my medical issues, I can't work much, and on benefits I…

I'm on SSDI, applying for SSI & food stamps, and I'm elligible for benefits through my dad since he was a Vet and I was his dependent. My family home is paid off & has solar, which my father did for me, but now that my father has passed recently, the property tax freeze will discontinue. Even though I was his disabled dependent, the tax freeze only passes to spouses, as is the law in NJ. My mother passed long before my father. Neither of them left much in savings.

The property taxes in NJ are 6,000-7,000 a year. I know I have options for apartments & such, but I'd rather not leave my home. and moving out of state would be complicated & I'd be moving away from my support system, even if they're distant support..

with all my medical issues, I can't work much, and on benefits I can work a little. I was looking into small part-time work from home jobs like Caption Call.

What are my options (other than leaving my house) Side hustles? Ideas?

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