
I’m disgusted

Today an older woman at my job quit. Our job doesn't give any benefits, which wasn't a problem for her before because she had benefits through her husband who unfortunately passed away. She left amicably and was well liked here and the owners said they understood decision. What annoyed me is that they asked her when she starts her new job and she said “Monday” (this was on a Friday). They were like “wow, you're just gonna jump right in? Not gonna take a day off or mini vacation?” She said, “no. I wish I could, but i cant afford it” and two of them nod their heads and are like “yeah, I know… It's hard. They both live in million dollar homes in our state's most exclusive gated community. It literally has its own stores, restaurants, a k-12 school and post office. The insanity of men living like that…

Today an older woman at my job quit. Our job doesn't give any benefits, which wasn't a problem for her before because she had benefits through her husband who unfortunately passed away. She left amicably and was well liked here and the owners said they understood decision. What annoyed me is that they asked her when she starts her new job and she said “Monday” (this was on a Friday). They were like “wow, you're just gonna jump right in? Not gonna take a day off or mini vacation?” She said, “no. I wish I could, but i cant afford it” and two of them nod their heads and are like “yeah, I know… It's hard.

They both live in million dollar homes in our state's most exclusive gated community. It literally has its own stores, restaurants, a k-12 school and post office. The insanity of men living like that telling a woman who can't afford to pay her medical bills that life's hard makes me sick.

If they wanted to, they could've just given her the day, or multiple days, off with pay

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