
i’m dreading returning to work

Had a 3 days weekend, and now as at the end of every weekend i'm dreading the idea of returning to work and its not even a bad time at work, things should go decent and no major bad events should come along, but it just stresses me out so much. And its been the same every single weekend, every single vacation. Every single week waiting for the end, during the weekends just being dead and stunned by the fact that two days are not enough. Im only 24, been working for only a bit over 3 years, and this is the rest of my life ? I know this exact post might already exist, I just wanted to express my thoughts. Man, this feels wrong. I am so envious of people who are born rich enough that they dont need to work, or people who find a way of…

Had a 3 days weekend, and now as at the end of every weekend i'm dreading the idea of returning to work and its not even a bad time at work, things should go decent and no major bad events should come along, but it just stresses me out so much. And its been the same every single weekend, every single vacation. Every single week waiting for the end, during the weekends just being dead and stunned by the fact that two days are not enough. Im only 24, been working for only a bit over 3 years, and this is the rest of my life ? I know this exact post might already exist, I just wanted to express my thoughts. Man, this feels wrong. I am so envious of people who are born rich enough that they dont need to work, or people who find a way of making money that is not lifeless. Im happy that I make good money, but I dont even have enough time to use it in a way that would make me happy. I would love to afford to take just 1 month break. 21 free days a year its not enough. I am starting to be really burned out. Even on days that I have no work to do, just the idea of being there during work hours its draining me. There is also a constant fear of fuck-ups and their effects on me and my career, not being able to make friends at work, not knowing how to make my passions be a source of income. I hate all of this, and its making my life much much worse. Am I just weak ? Should I just power through it and accept that this sucks and find some way to feel happy? How do you guys cope with this?

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