
im fired but i still have to go to work?

I (F19) started a job at a cake shop almost two weeks ago. I worked 4 days and went to lectures the rest 3 days. I had disclosed to the boss and manager that im a full tine student and that i need a job to pay the bills and my student loan. My first day of work rolls in and at the end of my 13h workday where i had to stand on foot the whole day and i had no set breaks meaning someone else would always be out to smoke and since i don't smoke i don't have 5minutes to sit down even. Still, I've been trying my hardest, but these last few days at work,my manager has ignored me and refused to explain any part of my tasks to me. Today, however, i get a call from my manager while im in a lecture. My manager…

I (F19) started a job at a cake shop almost two weeks ago. I worked 4 days and went to lectures the rest 3 days. I had disclosed to the boss and manager that im a full tine student and that i need a job to pay the bills and my student loan.
My first day of work rolls in and at the end of my 13h workday where i had to stand on foot the whole day and i had no set breaks meaning someone else would always be out to smoke and since i don't smoke i don't have 5minutes to sit down even. Still, I've been trying my hardest, but these last few days at work,my manager has ignored me and refused to explain any part of my tasks to me.
Today, however, i get a call from my manager while im in a lecture. My manager called me to say that im fired but i have to show up for the rest of my work time since it's ” already scheduled “.. I need help. Do i just not show up? Im technically fired, so why would i show up? Can they take any actions against me?
My first clue should've been the spelling errors in the job contract…

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