
Im having a 1 man strike

Hey everyone, long time first time here. I've gone on a one man strike! My store is filled with good people who are getting constantly undermined and devalued by our incredibly inconsiderate manager. Without getting into too many revealing details, ive publicly posted my concerns and compensation demands and have let everyone know I'm on strike. It probably won't work out in my favor but from everything ive observed in this sub over the years, I feel like someone just has to do something. Im sure some could guess im in the US, we can't just keep enduring…

Hey everyone, long time first time here. I've gone on a one man strike! My store is filled with good people who are getting constantly undermined and devalued by our incredibly inconsiderate manager. Without getting into too many revealing details, ive publicly posted my concerns and compensation demands and have let everyone know I'm on strike. It probably won't work out in my favor but from everything ive observed in this sub over the years, I feel like someone just has to do something. Im sure some could guess im in the US, we can't just keep enduring…

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