
I’m having a panic attack about my court case against my former employer.

Before the plague, I worked for a treatment center. I’m a recovering addict and really wanted to give back. I joined a brand new company and tried to help the owner. They said they were open to ideas. My ideas were mostly surrounding keeping everything safe and legal. I’m in CA and we don’t really fuck around. The place was not ethical, did not train anyone, had no procedures in place. I told them they needed a system to keep track of punches. They insisted they could just changes the punches my hand. I told them they need procedures to admit or discharges. 24 hours after our first client, she went into the backyard and retrieved the drugs she stashed. She used in the bathroom of her room. They fired me for being unprofessional. Truly they felt I was insubordinate. They didn’t pay me that day. I told them they…

Before the plague, I worked for a treatment center. I’m a recovering addict and really wanted to give back. I joined a brand new company and tried to help the owner. They said they were open to ideas.

My ideas were mostly surrounding keeping everything safe and legal. I’m in CA and we don’t really fuck around. The place was not ethical, did not train anyone, had no procedures in place. I told them they needed a system to keep track of punches. They insisted they could just changes the punches my hand. I told them they need procedures to admit or discharges.

24 hours after our first client, she went into the backyard and retrieved the drugs she stashed. She used in the bathroom of her room.

They fired me for being unprofessional. Truly they felt I was insubordinate. They didn’t pay me that day. I told them they owe me money and they said no. Thankfully they did it in writing.

I have to do a settlement conference tomorrow. They have responded saying that I’m unprofessional and everyone complained about me. I hate this feeling. I tried so hard to give back. I wanna throw up.

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