
I’m just not gonna show up to work today

Just cuz I feel like it. I don’t care, they weren’t interested in unionizing so I’m not interested in them now, I might have bills to pay but that’s not a problem right now. Imma go take a vacation today that’s what’s up, imma just go wherever, strip club, VR chat, make friends, talk to strangers, pick up college chicks, whatever, It’s my world now bitches! I’ll single handedly organize rent strikes across all of my city, I’ll destroy the ruling class with my bare hands! I’ll evict the landlords from their lands. I’ll make alpha males look like ants , I’ll eat the rich! I got too much energy you all, Gen z getting kinda tired of capitalisim, I’m gonna wake up into restaurants and just tell the cashiers to unionize !

Just cuz I feel like it. I don’t care, they weren’t interested in unionizing so I’m not interested in them now, I might have bills to pay but that’s not a problem right now.

Imma go take a vacation today that’s what’s up, imma just go wherever, strip club, VR chat, make friends, talk to strangers, pick up college chicks, whatever,

It’s my world now bitches! I’ll single handedly organize rent strikes across all of my city, I’ll destroy the ruling class with my bare hands! I’ll evict the landlords from their lands. I’ll make alpha males look like ants , I’ll eat the rich!

I got too much energy you all, Gen z getting kinda tired of capitalisim, I’m gonna wake up into restaurants and just tell the cashiers to unionize !

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