
I’m leaving a toxic job for new horizons. But before I do, help me quit:

Long story short, I worked my way up the ladder at a small business over the last year. I’m currently astoundingly underpaid, but I just got a job offer to pay me twice as much and I’m taking it. Here’s the catch: the owner likes to fire people who give their two weeks and I’m too poor to risk it. The responsible part of me says to still give it and hope I get to ride it out. But the petty side of me says to send a mass email to the company on my last day to avoid getting canned. What say you? What laws should I know? Am I wrong to leave this guy high and dry after a year of pretty petty and abusive behavior on his part?

Long story short, I worked my way up the ladder at a small business over the last year. I’m currently astoundingly underpaid, but I just got a job offer to pay me twice as much and I’m taking it.

Here’s the catch: the owner likes to fire people who give their two weeks and I’m too poor to risk it. The responsible part of me says to still give it and hope I get to ride it out. But the petty side of me says to send a mass email to the company on my last day to avoid getting canned.

What say you? What laws should I know? Am I wrong to leave this guy high and dry after a year of pretty petty and abusive behavior on his part?

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