
I’m leaving my job for a lower paying job

Basically what the title says, and here's a bit of backstory. Been working at my current job for over 5 years. Got poached from another workplace to work there and things were going pretty well until about 2 years ago when when we went through a heap fires and hires. Unfortunately of the people that stayed there was one guy who, in my opinion, has done his best to get fired but hasn't cause of how good at his job he is despite the fuckups. Workplace morale has slowly declined since then (not entirely his fault but there is a clear start of the morale decline) and I, and others, have done our best to make things good. At the same time the business has seen a continuous rise in profits and everyone is getting paid well for our sector. The downside is that the continuous search for profits has…

Basically what the title says, and here's a bit of backstory.

Been working at my current job for over 5 years. Got poached from another workplace to work there and things were going pretty well until about 2 years ago when when we went through a heap fires and hires.

Unfortunately of the people that stayed there was one guy who, in my opinion, has done his best to get fired but hasn't cause of how good at his job he is despite the fuckups. Workplace morale has slowly declined since then (not entirely his fault but there is a clear start of the morale decline) and I, and others, have done our best to make things good.

At the same time the business has seen a continuous rise in profits and everyone is getting paid well for our sector. The downside is that the continuous search for profits has lead to an ever increasing workload and we can not get enough people to handle the load. This, from sources outside of my workplace, can be partially attributed to the fact that our workplace has a bad name for hiring and keeping people.

And after trying really hard for the last 6 months to make it work, I'm just down with it all. I spoke to a colleague I used to work with and they've offered me a job in the same area of work but with a different set of duties.

I wasn't really expecting an offer and it's more in line with what I was doing over 5 years ago but the pay is slightly less. I can live comfortably on it and I get to work on things I used to, and the bonus is that I get to work with a group of people that, for the most part, I've worked with in the past and the fun we had then has definitely continued on since (we meet up outside of work every couple of weeks).

The problem is that my current workplace relies on me so much that I know there's going to be a shitstorm when I resign. I don't want to give them a chance at a counter offer but I feel like I need to let them. And I can probably get more money and easier duties if I stay.

But I'm just done trying and feel like the opportunity and environment is better if I leave for the new place. So I'm leaving for hopefully greener pastures with a group of people I like and a job I desire.

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