
I’m not Antiwork. I am anti “Forced to interact with Unbearable People”.

This is a huge huge difference and should be stressed in regards to this topic. Anti work, does not mean I won't contribute to the building of that tsunami wall after the earthquake. But if it's an average day, and you tell me to stack 50 rocks, and I find out there is a machine that does it, but you just have an ego problem and want me to suffer simply because you asked me and I must be loyal. If you asked to jump off cliff, they want to see your body at bottom of shore with you screaming “Like that??”

This is a huge huge difference and should be stressed in regards to this topic.

Anti work, does not mean I won't contribute to the building of that tsunami wall after the earthquake.

But if it's an average day, and you tell me to stack 50 rocks, and I find out there is a machine that does it, but you just have an ego problem and want me to suffer simply because you asked me and I must be loyal. If you asked to jump off cliff, they want to see your body at bottom of shore with you screaming “Like that??”

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