
I’m not going to lie to you guys

I was maybe just born depressed. Ya know some kids are born rebels. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I always felt there was something wrong with our world. ​ That's not what brought me here. For better or for worst, I realized a long time ago I just cant be pleased with this world. Ya know I'd be depressed even if I was rich most likely. ​ That's not why I'm here tho. ​ I'm here because I realized you're depressed too. ​ Some days at my job I literally wondered if I was in hell, heck as you can imagine the job was actually so bad that my co-workers were joking with me that maybe this is hell. ​ I actually LEGIT wondered if I was in hell. I know I'm a shitty person, at the very least I'm an entitled Millennial. I know I did fucked…

I was maybe just born depressed. Ya know some kids are born rebels.

I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I always felt there was something wrong with our world.

That's not what brought me here.
For better or for worst, I realized a long time ago I just cant be pleased with this world. Ya know I'd be depressed even if I was rich most likely.

That's not why I'm here tho.

I'm here because I realized you're depressed too.

Some days at my job I literally wondered if I was in hell, heck as you can imagine the job was actually so bad that my co-workers were joking with me that maybe this is hell.

I actually LEGIT wondered if I was in hell. I know I'm a shitty person, at the very least I'm an entitled Millennial. I know I did fucked up things, hey maybe this is my punishment. Maybe this is karma, maybe this is what I deserve!


That's why I'm here, because I dont think ANYONE deserves the bullshit being served by this work culture.

You guys sound like you're in abusive relationships

Mother fuckers arent talking about how the work is too hard or the pay isnt good enough, you guys are mostly just talking about shitty management.


It wasnt because the work was too hard or because the pay was shit

I got tired of being my damn managers punching bag when they had to pretend like their job was more than just sitting in the office and watching us on the cameras.

Ya know I started to realize those fuckers were only being assholes to look busy, and I got doubly fuckin pissed when they fuckin actually APOLOGIZED for it once.

Its real fuckin stupid when you're manager says sorry for being an asshole sometimes because they need to LOOK BUSY.

You guys dont sound like the work was too hard or the pay wasnt enouh.

You dont sound ENTITLED. You sound ABUSED.

You guys sound like youre thinking of leaving your drunk spouse whose pushed away everyone else in their lives.

You guys talk about UNIONS in hushed voices like you're afraid you're husband might here you and beat you.

Fuck talking about equal pay or wage slavery

Can I get a job where I'm treated like a fuckin human being?

Ya know the thing about 2022?

All the lazy people stopped working!
So that means all of us still working are just the hard working people who actually aren't afraid to put in a honest days labor AND THAT MAKES US THE REAL SUCKERS!

Your boss sure the fuck isnt putting in any honest work so why the fuck are you?

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