
I’m over being forced to go somewhere I don’t want to for 40 hours a week.

Title, I suppose. I guess I’m sounding like a sook here but I’m sick and tired of sitting in the same office for 40 hours a week just so I don’t end up homeless in the street. Every day I sit and think about all the things I’d rather be doing with my time. I enjoy my job some days and other people definitely have it worse than me, but I hate having to come to this building 5 days a week for 9 hours a day. I long for a life where I can spend more of it with my daughter and wife enjoying ourselves and making happy memories, instead I’m confined to an office so I can make someone else richer every day. I apologise for sounding like a whiner but I just needed to rant, I sat down this morning and realised I only got to see…

Title, I suppose. I guess I’m sounding like a sook here but I’m sick and tired of sitting in the same office for 40 hours a week just so I don’t end up homeless in the street.

Every day I sit and think about all the things I’d rather be doing with my time. I enjoy my job some days and other people definitely have it worse than me, but I hate having to come to this building 5 days a week for 9 hours a day.

I long for a life where I can spend more of it with my daughter and wife enjoying ourselves and making happy memories, instead I’m confined to an office so I can make someone else richer every day.

I apologise for sounding like a whiner but I just needed to rant, I sat down this morning and realised I only got to see my wife and daughter yesterday for 3 hours before we had to sleep, and now I’m back in this chair for triple that time just so we all have food and a roof over our heads. Bugger this.

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