
I’m planning on running for Governor of New Mexico, what do you think of my plan for minimum wage?

So if you live in New Mexico you know how highly our people — especially those on the right — hold up our small business owners, so raising the taxes and the minimum wages of cooperations would be EXTREMELY HARD to do without causing a riot and hell to turn over. So here is the idea I've come up with that is the one loophole I could think of. Cooperations in New Mexico pay less than a god damn drop in our federal taxes hence why they are so freakishly powerful down here, and because they are also tied to our small business owners the best option is thusly to tax cooperations and businesses that have a Net Income/Profit of $500,000+ and with thusly pay their employees starting from the bottom rung (be them cashier's, fry cook, etc.) $25/hr and pay 30% more in federal taxes. This loophole prevents the…

So if you live in New Mexico you know how highly our people — especially those on the right — hold up our small business owners, so raising the taxes and the minimum wages of cooperations would be EXTREMELY HARD to do without causing a riot and hell to turn over. So here is the idea I've come up with that is the one loophole I could think of.

Cooperations in New Mexico pay less than a god damn drop in our federal taxes hence why they are so freakishly powerful down here, and because they are also tied to our small business owners the best option is thusly to tax cooperations and businesses that have a Net Income/Profit of $500,000+ and with thusly pay their employees starting from the bottom rung (be them cashier's, fry cook, etc.) $25/hr and pay 30% more in federal taxes.

This loophole prevents the argument of “how will small business owners pay that?” And with thusly allow small business owners to get off the ground.

So why am I doing this?

All my life I've watched my mother fight tooth and nail to live on her own with me instead of living with my elderly grandmother. I've watched her work 2 jobs and even 3. And it's not until now that she has actually gotten her own place with her fiance and even now we're still struggling. I'm tired of watching this sort of struggle. And don't even get me started our homeless population, I have plans to help them and it's so fucking simple that I'm honestly SHOCKED that no one thought of it. It's fucking stupid.

Anyway, I want to hear from all of you. You all know the struggle and I want to make sure this helps as many people as possible and works perfectly. Precision is key as is efficiency.

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