
I’m probably going to get fired tomorrow

Just today my workplace fired a girl on the spot – The reason was downsizing, because the sales were dropping. She got 3 months worth of severence pay. When my shift was ending, I overheard two workers gossiping about how this isn't the end to firing from our department and made some vague comment about me. For the first few moments I froze and panic settling in. I decided not to believe office gossip, but the more I think about it, the more it seems plausible. First of all, there's my attendance issue. I got married in June and in July we went for a honeymoon for two weeks. All planned, booked, paid for since January. I requested time off during that time, it was allowed, but as soon as I came back, I found out that they shut down the company for another 14 days, which was not covered…

Just today my workplace fired a girl on the spot – The reason was downsizing, because the sales were dropping. She got 3 months worth of severence pay. When my shift was ending, I overheard two workers gossiping about how this isn't the end to firing from our department and made some vague comment about me.

For the first few moments I froze and panic settling in. I decided not to believe office gossip, but the more I think about it, the more it seems plausible. First of all, there's my attendance issue. I got married in June and in July we went for a honeymoon for two weeks. All planned, booked, paid for since January. I requested time off during that time, it was allowed, but as soon as I came back, I found out that they shut down the company for another 14 days, which was not covered by my days off. Nothing I could do, so ever since then I'm busting overtimes to get those hours so I won't be in negative at the end of the year.

I think they're going to use this excuse to fire me as well. As I said before, I started to panic at first, but as time went on, I found it hillarious. You see, attendance aside, I'm one of the most qualified people in the department, I know how to do everything and do it flawlessly. There are people working with me that not only do not know how to do my job, they refuse to learn it. And now they're probably going to fire me and have noone to cover my workload!

I'm entitled to 3 months worth of severence pay and there's a shitload of companies hiring near me, so I'm not all that nervous anymore. Except, this is the first time I'm actually going to be fired from my job, so there's a bit of nervousness there.

Just wanted to share. Hopefully this will help me make those crucial steps to open my own company. I want to do websites, computer repair, you know, IT work that I usually do in my spare time for fun.

So no official info yet, but I kinda wish they would fire me. If they don't, I just might stay with this company for a long time just because of the job security – the pay isn't that bad either and the workload varies, but most times I don't overwork myself.

Wish me luck!

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