
i’m quitting a summer job before my agreed upon end date and with only 1 week notice. this is 100% a me-issue and just generally being a shit employee. in any case, would love if you can help me think of an excuse!

i’m a college student and am a summer hire. i started working in late may. i’m going to give my 1-week notice on wednesday, which is 3 weeks before the end date that i stated when i originally got hired. quitting early is to go on a trip that i last-minute planned with my friends. like i said, this is completely a me-issue and i am being a shit employee. the place i work for is a large corporation in which i’m sure the upper management couldn’t care less ab me as an employee, but at the same time, all of the people who i directly work with are nice and i have had no issues with them. my goal here is to think of a reasonable sounding excuse (i acknowledge that this might be an impossible task) so my last week is the least awkward i can make it.…

i’m a college student and am a summer hire. i started working in late may.

i’m going to give my 1-week notice on wednesday, which is 3 weeks before the end date that i stated when i originally got hired.

quitting early is to go on a trip that i last-minute planned with my friends. like i said, this is completely a me-issue and i am being a shit employee.

the place i work for is a large corporation in which i’m sure the upper management couldn’t care less ab me as an employee, but at the same time, all of the people who i directly work with are nice and i have had no issues with them.

my goal here is to think of a reasonable sounding excuse (i acknowledge that this might be an impossible task) so my last week is the least awkward i can make it.

was low key thinking ab just ghosting them on my last day so i don’t have to face the consequences of my actions, but the staff is really small and the dynamics are such that it would make it really difficult for them if i give literally no notice.

i know that this is going to be awkward and terrible regardless, but any ideas for excuse that would go over the least terribly? yesterday my manager gave me an employee award for my job performance that came with a $100 gift card and holy shit i felt literally so guilty the entire tine

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