
I’m quitting my toxic job tomorrow – I’m so excited, but scared of the reaction I’ll receive.

I 26F am putting in my two weeks notice at my toxic job tomorrow and am so unbelievably excited. I took last week off and now am going to quit. I got an offer for a place that will pay less but I truly think will be 100x less stressful, and will not ever require me to take the work home with me. I'm so excited to feel like I can breathe again. The people pleaser in me is scared for their reactions. I'm scared I'll get called selfish for quitting after taking a whole week off. I'm also scared of just getting scolded and ostracized in my last two weeks. I know that's totally irrational and it shouldn't matter because I'm leaving anyways but for some reason I'm still feeling this way. Honestly just looking for some words of encouragement before tomorrow morning since I'm really bad with any…

I 26F am putting in my two weeks notice at my toxic job tomorrow and am so unbelievably excited. I took last week off and now am going to quit. I got an offer for a place that will pay less but I truly think will be 100x less stressful, and will not ever require me to take the work home with me. I'm so excited to feel like I can breathe again.

The people pleaser in me is scared for their reactions. I'm scared I'll get called selfish for quitting after taking a whole week off. I'm also scared of just getting scolded and ostracized in my last two weeks. I know that's totally irrational and it shouldn't matter because I'm leaving anyways but for some reason I'm still feeling this way. Honestly just looking for some words of encouragement before tomorrow morning since I'm really bad with any confrontation and that's something I'm working on, but in the meantime I'm feeling very anxious.

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