
I’m seeing a lot of posted about not being able to find work – Look for work in trades.

I was a badminton player in China for 10 years. I left right after high school and had no skills whatsoever. When I returned to the west I thought long and hard about what career to start, ten years later than everyone else. I did some welding when I was a kid with my friends dad, also did a little in high school but I never really thought anything of it. Until one day I thought “hey, maybe I could try welding.” I personally thought that was something I’d have to go to school for and get certified in before they’d even let me near a welding machine. I was very wrong. I got the first job I applied for, and they trained me on the job. After a week I was welding real parts. I started at $20/hour and from there I went to college. I’m now making 30/hour…

I was a badminton player in China for 10 years. I left right after high school and had no skills whatsoever.

When I returned to the west I thought long and hard about what career to start, ten years later than everyone else. I did some welding when I was a kid with my friends dad, also did a little in high school but I never really thought anything of it.

Until one day I thought “hey, maybe I could try welding.” I personally thought that was something I’d have to go to school for and get certified in before they’d even let me near a welding machine. I was very wrong. I got the first job I applied for, and they trained me on the job. After a week I was welding real parts. I started at $20/hour and from there I went to college.

I’m now making 30/hour and I’m on a 4 day work week, 4 10 hour days.

Don’t be afraid of getting dirty. If you come to work everyday, you’ll never lose your job, and you’ll get consistent raises. It doesn’t have to be welding, even a general labourer will be exposed to other positions in the future and can definitely be taught valuable skills to move up, get paid more and learn more.

Edit: also a lot of companies will accommodate disabilities. I had a coworker once, a welder with a service dog. That golden had his own PPE. They will try their best accommodate you

Just give it a try

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