
i’m sick of being exploited

i've been toying with the idea of being self-employed and maybe if i make enough money to leave my current job, but everyone around me constantly says how horrible it is (and they've never been self-employed) and it does have a small effect on me. but all the people that tell me that don't see anything wrong with capitalism so i'm not very convinced. i am more inclined to believe someone who is/was self-employed and/or that understands how exploitative employers are. but you know what IS horrible? working minimum wage for someone that constantly complains how much money HE is “losing” to me, when i am literally one of the reasons why our department is making way more now. i do at least 50% of the work there and don't even get 10%. my employer and coworkers praise me but apparently that's all he's gonna do. we don't even have…

i've been toying with the idea of being self-employed and maybe if i make enough money to leave my current job, but everyone around me constantly says how horrible it is (and they've never been self-employed) and it does have a small effect on me. but all the people that tell me that don't see anything wrong with capitalism so i'm not very convinced. i am more inclined to believe someone who is/was self-employed and/or that understands how exploitative employers are.

but you know what IS horrible? working minimum wage for someone that constantly complains how much money HE is “losing” to me, when i am literally one of the reasons why our department is making way more now. i do at least 50% of the work there and don't even get 10%. my employer and coworkers praise me but apparently that's all he's gonna do. we don't even have warm water in the winter months (well, all year around) because it costs money, we can't heat up the building more because it costs money (sometimes it's almost freezing in there), there is no AC because it costs money and it gets unbearably hot in summer (most of the building i work in is made out of glass), i walk 40 minutes to and from work (i love walking, but i feel like it shows some sort of dedication that i'm willing to do that but he just takes it as granted). there's many good parts to my job, and it's not nearly as horrible as other peoples job, but small things add up over time, mainly my monthly salary. i'm so sick of giving someone else money for the work I did.

it's not like i will just impulse buy the things i need to get started and then quit my job immediately, but i need to do something else on the side to support myself, and none of the people around me have been supportive of that.

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