
i’m so fucking angry for my dad

my dad got in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, broke multiple ribs, got a screw in his thumb, and they're looking at maybe replacing his shoulder blade. he hasn't had a cent of income since this accident because his work won't approve it without proof from a doctor. and he can't find a doctor who will treat him for the shoulder that's preventing him from working! the thing that royally pissed me off on his behalf was when he told me today that he received a letter in the mail stating that he owes his insurance company $562 by the end of the month or he loses his coverage. mind you, after spending the last of what he had on medical bills, he now has ~$30 to his name. the system is so fucking messed up. this army fucking veteran can't even buy his groceries anymore because an…

my dad got in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, broke multiple ribs, got a screw in his thumb, and they're looking at maybe replacing his shoulder blade.

he hasn't had a cent of income since this accident because his work won't approve it without proof from a doctor. and he can't find a doctor who will treat him for the shoulder that's preventing him from working!

the thing that royally pissed me off on his behalf was when he told me today that he received a letter in the mail stating that he owes his insurance company $562 by the end of the month or he loses his coverage. mind you, after spending the last of what he had on medical bills, he now has ~$30 to his name.

the system is so fucking messed up. this army fucking veteran can't even buy his groceries anymore because an accident happened to occur. what the fuck.

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