
I’m so fucking done

I work for what has been listed as one of my best companies in my state. The sector that I work I have been known to have very low turnover, happy employees, and to be the department that other employees want to move to. Not anymore. I worked it ass off to get promoted into one of the most coveted teams just a few months after starting here. We also have the highest required score for audits. We had a manager that fought for us and then she was promoted. A person on our time has been promoted and I feel she doesn’t realize how much damage she is doing. She is also easy to bowl over by upper management. We went from constantly being praised to being told what we keep doing wrong. Yet they keep spilling this bullshit how employees opinions matter. They are adding on more duties,…

I work for what has been listed as one of my best companies in my state. The sector that I work I have been known to have very low turnover, happy employees, and to be the department that other employees want to move to.

Not anymore.

I worked it ass off to get promoted into one of the most coveted teams just a few months after starting here. We also have the highest required score for audits. We had a manager that fought for us and then she was promoted. A person on our time has been promoted and I feel she doesn’t realize how much damage she is doing. She is also easy to bowl over by upper management.

We went from constantly being praised to being told what we keep doing wrong. Yet they keep spilling this bullshit how employees opinions matter. They are adding on more duties, keep fucking with our schedules, doing lower points, and now we are being threatened with new impossible standards if we want to stay at home. I have kids I have to pick up from school and gas is one of the highest in the country. I’m an hour away from the office.
It’s affecting me so badly with the stress, that my family can see huge changes in me. My mental health was so bad, that I am taking several meds to help. Even the psychiatrist was worried how severe it had become.
I feel like they are setting us up to to fail yet keep telling us to fill out all these stupid surveys on how we love our job. Fuck that.

If they claim they care about us, I’m debating on sending an anonymous email. I do not feel safe talking to the new manager about my concerns. I know she does not care for me and i know my personality is not the easiest to deal with (I’m autistic). It’s a right to work state. I’m sick of this shit.

Sorry for the rant. I needed to turn somewhere because I am so angry about the shit that keeps adding to the garbage pile at work.

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