
I’m so glad the place I work basically my entire waking life at values my time and effort :)

This will literally have no affect on my financial situation. If I got the same raise next year I still wouldn’t make another dollar extra. I’m so tired of destroying my body and mind for absolutely nothing, meanwhile the business I work at has had RECORD breaking profits. Also the person in charge of reviewing and giving the raise has never seen me work, EVER, and chronically fails to do their own job. And I don’t mean they suck at it, they straight up don’t do it. ( scheduling and management )

This will literally have no affect on my financial situation. If I got the same raise next year I still wouldn’t make another dollar extra. I’m so tired of destroying my body and mind for absolutely nothing, meanwhile the business I work at has had RECORD breaking profits.

Also the person in charge of reviewing and giving the raise has never seen me work, EVER, and chronically fails to do their own job. And I don’t mean they suck at it, they straight up don’t do it. ( scheduling and management )

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