
I’m so tired of begging for hours

I recently started a new job because I couldn’t get the hours i needed at my previous one despite loving it. I couldn’t afford to work there. When i interviewed at my new job they told me they liked that I was available and wanted me to be available as much as possible for call ins and hours, which I agreed to. I told them during the interview that I needed 30-40 a week to pay my bills and there was no indication that was an issue. It’s a low level Management position so I assumed I’d be set just based on that. I got my schedule yesterday and had 14 hours. I had to beg my boss for hours and explain the above paragraph again, And they penciled me In for an extra 13. Apparently they hired a bunch of people and cut everyone’s hours in the process, but…

I recently started a new job because I couldn’t get the hours i needed at my previous one despite loving it. I couldn’t afford to work there.

When i interviewed at my new job they told me they liked that I was available and wanted me to be available as much as possible for call ins and hours, which I agreed to. I told them during the interview that I needed 30-40 a week to pay my bills and there was no indication that was an issue. It’s a low level Management position so I assumed I’d be set just based on that.

I got my schedule yesterday and had 14 hours. I had to beg my boss for hours and explain the above paragraph again, And they penciled me In for an extra 13. Apparently they hired a bunch of people and cut everyone’s hours in the process, but said they’d try to keep in mind to give me extra hours when they can afford it.

I just don’t understand. The training was all about how this can be a real job and a career and I don’t know how it can be either without being able to pay my bills. I want to work hard, I want to pull my weight and it is so disheartening to be in this situation so early in my new position. I’m thinking about changing my availability to get a 1st shift job to supplement this one, but one of the things they wanted from me was to have availability.

I know that there are laws about benefits for people with more hours, but I don’t need benefits. Has anyone waived their benefits before IE ‘If you have to offer me benefits for getting the hours you told me I’d have, I promise I won’t accept them’?

Im worried to talk to my boss about it again so soon into my new position, I don’t want to cause a fuss and come across as a problem, especially if hours are limited.

I just want to be able to work and support myself. I am so tired of having to beg for the right to work. I thought this would be a solution but now I’m in the same problem.

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