
I’m so tired of being told that hard work pays off

I feel like my last 3 jobs have burned me out so hard. A few years ago I took a contract job through a temp agency with the promise that after a year they were going to turn the top few performers in to full time employees. I busted my ass and took as many extra shifts and did as much extra as I could and was consistently the top performer. At the end of course not a single person was hired and we were fed the line that things had changed. Okay so just a bad experience whatever, I moved on and got another job at a mid sized family business, no contract this time just a straight up job. Once again went out of my way to do everything I could and this time it did feel like things were paying off within a year I was a…

I feel like my last 3 jobs have burned me out so hard. A few years ago I took a contract job through a temp agency with the promise that after a year they were going to turn the top few performers in to full time employees. I busted my ass and took as many extra shifts and did as much extra as I could and was consistently the top performer. At the end of course not a single person was hired and we were fed the line that things had changed.

Okay so just a bad experience whatever, I moved on and got another job at a mid sized family business, no contract this time just a straight up job. Once again went out of my way to do everything I could and this time it did feel like things were paying off within a year I was a team lead. Within 2 I was making training material for them and by the end of that I was asked if I wanted to be a part of their manager in training program which of course I agreed to. Unfortunately at this time the two brothers who were in charge of the location I was at got in to a major fight with the one I reported to eventually walking out of the company. The remaining one then essentially rescinded the offer I had been made and lowered my pay claiming it was already too high for the position I was in. This was of course all rather obviously out of resentment towards me being so close to his brother while I was working there.

Eventually I got out of that and a few IT certificates and took yet another contracting job. For context I don't have a college degree which I understand isn't the cure all but is at least probably a small part of my problem but at the end of the day I still don't think it should matter at all. This time once again I threw myself in to it, was consistently listed as top performer and was the first one to be offered a full time job. The thing is when I started I was told to expect a raise of 25-30% when going from contract to full time. Instead I was offered $1 and when I pointed out I was told 25-30% they told me that they couldn't do that for someone with no degree, when I pushed on that I was threatened and told that they could go offer the position to someone more grateful if I didn't want it. I accepted but I've just been putting in bare minimum effort ever since. I just feel burned out at this point years of just constant grinding even through the pandemic and nothing to show for it. And of course any time I bring it up I get hit with the million “JUST GET A BETTER JOB” advice givers like that isn't what I've clearly been working towards for years. It's all so tiring.

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