
I’m so tired of coming to work just to sit on my phone or computer

To start, let me just say I’m aware of house privileged I am to work a job that doesn’t demand body breaking labor but I just gotta say, I’m tired of having to wake up early and sit at work 8 hours a day when only maybe 2 of those hours are productive. I just got hired at this company after doing a 6 month internship and I feel like I have learned absolutely nothing because no one ever actually knows what’s going on or we end up doing something that was supposed to be done before we got to the project site. What’s the point of me being here for 40 hours a week if realistically everything can be done in 2 hours tops? Same thing can be said with my last job, I could be at home right now spending time with my family but instead I’m scrolling…

To start, let me just say I’m aware of house privileged I am to work a job that doesn’t demand body breaking labor but I just gotta say, I’m tired of having to wake up early and sit at work 8 hours a day when only maybe 2 of those hours are productive.

I just got hired at this company after doing a 6 month internship and I feel like I have learned absolutely nothing because no one ever actually knows what’s going on or we end up doing something that was supposed to be done before we got to the project site. What’s the point of me being here for 40 hours a week if realistically everything can be done in 2 hours tops? Same thing can be said with my last job, I could be at home right now spending time with my family but instead I’m scrolling reddit at work.

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