
I’m thinking of quitting my job with no back up plan

I feel like I've been fired. My hours have been getting reduced. My manager has been hasn't been nice to me in the last week. I'm on high alert and feel like I have to walk on eggshells around my manager. I've been at my job for 2 months and had lackluster training. I'm new to this field so it didn't help. I've been trying really hard to reduce my mistakes. But, it doesn't seem like it is enough for my manager. My manager didn't let me know that I was making so many mistakes for so long. And by the time I was told I wasn't improving it feels like it is too late. Today was so fucking hard. I've been sick to my stomach and stressed out. I've been sick all week actually. I thought that I wasn't making as many mistakes today but I guess I was…

I feel like I've been fired. My hours have been getting reduced. My manager has been hasn't been nice to me in the last week. I'm on high alert and feel like I have to walk on eggshells around my manager. I've been at my job for 2 months and had lackluster training. I'm new to this field so it didn't help.

I've been trying really hard to reduce my mistakes. But, it doesn't seem like it is enough for my manager. My manager didn't let me know that I was making so many mistakes for so long. And by the time I was told I wasn't improving it feels like it is too late.

Today was so fucking hard. I've been sick to my stomach and stressed out. I've been sick all week actually. I thought that I wasn't making as many mistakes today but I guess I was so wrong.

I was told to go home early, forcefully might I add. Now I think my future at this company is over. I'm dreading Monday.

I don't have another job lined up. I don't know what to do.

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