
I’m tired

I’m 21. And yes, I’m tired. I’m tired of never having time to spend with my family or friends, I’m tired of seeing other people my age (influencers) living their best life travelling and having the time of their lives, for free ? Like how does that even work. They get paid to have fun …., I’m mentally exhausted, I feel so depressed. When I have a couple days off and have to go back, it’s the absolute worst, I get major anxiety and just wish I could be surrounded by my family 24/7. I’ve invested in stocks, just praying that will do something for me lol. How do you all get through it ? I wake up everyday not wanting to wake up. Just because I’m not enjoying my life while working … does this seem selfish ..? Or unreasonable?

I’m 21. And yes, I’m tired. I’m tired of never having time to spend with my family or friends, I’m tired of seeing other people my age (influencers) living their best life travelling and having the time of their lives, for free ? Like how does that even work. They get paid to have fun …., I’m mentally exhausted, I feel so depressed. When I have a couple days off and have to go back, it’s the absolute worst, I get major anxiety and just wish I could be surrounded by my family 24/7. I’ve invested in stocks, just praying that will do something for me lol. How do you all get through it ? I wake up everyday not wanting to wake up. Just because I’m not enjoying my life while working … does this seem selfish ..? Or unreasonable?

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