
I’m tired…

I just don’t know what to do anymore and I know these same things are said over and over on here but I just need to vent. I(25M) didn’t get the privilege to go to college right of high school. Instead had to go straight to work. In fact I was working full time in high school already. Not being in school just let me work 2 jobs. Now 8 years later I feel like I haven’t progressed in life at all. I currently still work 2 jobs. I am barely scraping by. I feel like I can barely afford to do anything. It takes more than a full 2 week check to just pay my rent alone.( 600 sq ft studio) And I feel like I make decent money. I make around $23 an hour at my main job. And around $18 an hour at my second job. Working…

I just don’t know what to do anymore and I know these same things are said over and over on here but I just need to vent.

I(25M) didn’t get the privilege to go to college right of high school. Instead had to go straight to work. In fact I was working full time in high school already. Not being in school just let me work 2 jobs.

Now 8 years later I feel like I haven’t progressed in life at all. I currently still work 2 jobs. I am barely scraping by. I feel like I can barely afford to do anything. It takes more than a full 2 week check to just pay my rent alone.( 600 sq ft studio) And I feel like I make decent money. I make around $23 an hour at my main job. And around $18 an hour at my second job. Working at least 50 hours a week. I just can’t believe that it’s not enough.

I love my main job and am where I want to work but I can’t progress anymore because I don’t have a degree. I don’t have time to go back to school to get a degree because I work 2 jobs. Even if I had time to go back to school I couldn’t afford it.

I feel stuck. I know a lot of people feel this right now too but it’s just hard.

It sucks to wake up everyday and bust my butt to be rewarded with poverty. I wake up everyday knowing I won’t be able to buy a house. Won’t be able to get a new car. Won’t be able to travel. Can’t even get myself new clothes or enjoy my hobbies. I’ve been a slave to companies for years and the big bosses thrive while I struggle.

I’m so tired of it all…

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