
I’m tired of the never ending anxiety

I can't return to my place of work. I've been away healing from surgery for 2 months now. Going back now would just be horrible on my mental health, not to mention that I can't incorporate my current lifestyle into my current work and could make myself very sick, but I also can't just quit without a backup. No one's reached out to me from work, so they probably all think I'm gone anyway… Looking for new work has been anxiety inducing. I've been looking into jobs that I feel I'd find tolerable, and looking into jobs that fit the field I'm going to school for. I just wish this anxiety would go away. I wish I didn't have to work. Sending out applications on top of applications is ridiculous and it just feels like a waste of time when I know probably one out of 100 will actually get…

I can't return to my place of work. I've been away healing from surgery for 2 months now. Going back now would just be horrible on my mental health, not to mention that I can't incorporate my current lifestyle into my current work and could make myself very sick, but I also can't just quit without a backup. No one's reached out to me from work, so they probably all think I'm gone anyway…

Looking for new work has been anxiety inducing. I've been looking into jobs that I feel I'd find tolerable, and looking into jobs that fit the field I'm going to school for. I just wish this anxiety would go away. I wish I didn't have to work. Sending out applications on top of applications is ridiculous and it just feels like a waste of time when I know probably one out of 100 will actually get back to me… And don't even get me started on employment programs.

I'm just so tired of it all. Can't I just be a professional student or something? I like school, I like the structure and routine. Work is so unpredictable with weird schedules and I hate it…

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