
I’m tired of this as a woman

I'm currently on that part of the hormonal cycle that I'm in pain, nauseous, constantly cold and tired although I took two naps and didn't do anything all day. Luckily I'm at home with my baby. If I was at work, I would run around like a crazy because either I wouldn't be allowed sick leave or because I would be too afraid to take sick leave “too often”. My heart cries when I remember the video of a woman crying and pumping in a workplace toilet because her baby was at NICU and she couldn't take days off from work. It's 2023, and the equality now is at the point that everyone just has to be a slave for money. I feel like the equality movement was a scam – it was promoted as women's rights, but instead it benefitted capitalism as much or even more than women actually.…

I'm currently on that part of the hormonal cycle that I'm in pain, nauseous, constantly cold and tired although I took two naps and didn't do anything all day. Luckily I'm at home with my baby. If I was at work, I would run around like a crazy because either I wouldn't be allowed sick leave or because I would be too afraid to take sick leave “too often”. My heart cries when I remember the video of a woman crying and pumping in a workplace toilet because her baby was at NICU and she couldn't take days off from work.

It's 2023, and the equality now is at the point that everyone just has to be a slave for money. I feel like the equality movement was a scam – it was promoted as women's rights, but instead it benefitted capitalism as much or even more than women actually. No, I don't want to go back to 1950s. But let's stop playing we are living at the peak of a perfect, equal world. We still can't even recognize how women's hormonal cycle affects their life, energy levels etc. Woman has to become like a man, because then she can produce more, and she can “utilize all her value” (= make more money to the rich).

Many kids see their parents a couple of hours a day, and the parents are always exhausted. Somehow we are conditioned to believe that kindergarten is better place than home. But also, for many families there's no choice. Like both of the parents have to work just to make it. Well, once people just cannot start families because it is too expensive, they will have time to work more, and then they also have more to spend. Win-win, right?

I'm so tired. I have been taught that my only purpose is to work. I'm worthless as a woman if I don't work and have a good career. Yeah, I know, it is bad also in communities where the only choice is to bear children. But let's stop acting like this is perfect here, it's just the another side of the same coin. Even if I had the choice to not work, it would make me worthless.

I know, not everyone can just stop working. But it is 2023 and we have so much automatisation and wealth globally that if certain people stopped hoarding everything to themselves, we could all live comfortably and work in a human way, having still time to enjoy life and to care for each other. That would be real well-being.

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