
I’m tired of working for Republicans who are against everything I believe in

Every boss I’ve ever worked for has been a Trump-loving, ignorant asshole and I’m tired of giving my life to these people so they can reap most of the profit. My first boss was a 25-year old trust fund baby who used his parents’ money to open restaurants. He sits on his phone all day, yet denied allowing me to use a stool when we were dead after I dislocated my knee. He would talk politics with us often, about how Trump made our country bigger, and how much Biden sucks. I still have nightmares about him mansplaining how to wipe a table to me, or yelling at me during rushes when I was just DOING MY JOB. I’m thinking of getting a summer job again when school ends, but if it involves selling my soul to a privileged Trumpy for slave wages, I just want to give up.

Every boss I’ve ever worked for has been a Trump-loving, ignorant asshole and I’m tired of giving my life to these people so they can reap most of the profit. My first boss was a 25-year old trust fund baby who used his parents’ money to open restaurants. He sits on his phone all day, yet denied allowing me to use a stool when we were dead after I dislocated my knee. He would talk politics with us often, about how Trump made our country bigger, and how much Biden sucks.

I still have nightmares about him mansplaining how to wipe a table to me, or yelling at me during rushes when I was just DOING MY JOB.

I’m thinking of getting a summer job again when school ends, but if it involves selling my soul to a privileged Trumpy for slave wages, I just want to give up.

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