
I’m working through unpaid lunches and have been for three weeks

I just started a new job at a hospital. The place is busy and I was told during my interview “If you don't get a lunch you can just leave early.”. This never happens. My shift is 5:30 to 2 every single day. I am in week three and they held my first check, of course. The place is so short staffed that I was told to bring in liquid like protien shakes and such since we can't eat at our desks and don't have lunches. This was by week two. I thought for sure since I am punching a time. Clock at 5:30 and 2pm, I am certainly being paid for 8 solid hours My boss put in my hours Monday and I went online to look at them. I have been working 8 physical hours a day and am only getting paid for 7.5. Lunch is automatically being…

I just started a new job at a hospital. The place is busy and I was told during my interview “If you don't get a lunch you can just leave early.”.

This never happens. My shift is 5:30 to 2 every single day. I am in week three and they held my first check, of course.

The place is so short staffed that I was told to bring in liquid like protien shakes and such since we can't eat at our desks and don't have lunches. This was by week two. I thought for sure since I am punching a time. Clock at 5:30 and 2pm, I am certainly being paid for 8 solid hours

My boss put in my hours Monday and I went online to look at them. I have been working 8 physical hours a day and am only getting paid for 7.5. Lunch is automatically being taken out every day even though I never stop working.

As of this week, the company has made $135 extra from me due to working me through lunch.

When I brought this up to the person who is training me, she said she is retiring soon and tried to guilt trip me. She said she hopes I am not thinking of quitting because if I do she wants to retire and “won't have time to train someone else”.

This company is blatantly stealing. This is stealing, correct?

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