
Imagine if we worked 5 hours/day, 4 days/week for the same pay and benefits. 20 hours work week. 3 day weekends. That’s how it should be. It’s fricking 2023.

-The development and progress in technology makes the 40 hour work week absolutely obsolete. It is backed up by science and research. -When 40 hours/week became a norm, one person worked, one stayed at home doing all housework, childcare, errands, everything. Now everyone works so we need time and energy for housework, errands, childcare, etc. -Before, people got free childcare at home. Mothers or family members would watch kids. Now both parents are working AND they have to earn more to pay for childcare. Nanny, daycare, etc. The 5 hours/day, 4 days/week, 20 hour weeks, will partially mitigate this. -Research and Science have shown again and again that people cannot be productive for 8-10 hours. It just doesn't work. So, how about we work the only hours that are actually productive. -We can sync working hours with school hours. So, people work while kids are at school. And when kids…

-The development and progress in technology makes the 40 hour work week absolutely obsolete. It is backed up by science and research.

-When 40 hours/week became a norm, one person worked, one stayed at home doing all housework, childcare, errands, everything. Now everyone works so we need time and energy for housework, errands, childcare, etc.

-Before, people got free childcare at home. Mothers or family members would watch kids. Now both parents are working AND they have to earn more to pay for childcare. Nanny, daycare, etc. The 5 hours/day, 4 days/week, 20 hour weeks, will partially mitigate this.

-Research and Science have shown again and again that people cannot be productive for 8-10 hours. It just doesn't work. So, how about we work the only hours that are actually productive.

-We can sync working hours with school hours. So, people work while kids are at school. And when kids get home, parents are home and families actually see each other, have time to be together, to be with each other.

-It is tragic that parents are working at meaningless, soul crushing jobs, for all their waking hours while their kids are being raised by someone else.

-And while we're on the subject, they need to reduce kids' workload and daily hours at school. No kid is learning or retaining much by sitting still for 8 consecutive hours and being taught 10 classes everyday.

-1 class should last 30 minutes, not 40 or 50 or 60. I was a school student for 13 years. 40 minutes is too long. 8 hours are too long.

-We need time to LIVE. To actually rest, to explore our hobbies and be human beings. We should work to make a living, not exist to work. And it's about damn time. 4 day work week is already being applied in many places. Time to make it universal.

-What if, we pushed for, demanded a 20 hour week instead of 40, 5 hour workday, instead of 8 and living, thriving wages instead of poverty-starvation wages we get now.

-Because we want it. Because we are all overworking. Because this not normal and we want to work less. Because we want to live. Because we want to live our lives. Because we are human beings, not machines or drones. Because we want to work to live, not live to work. Because we ALL want it

-You might think, this sounds amazing but it is not gonna happen. You are dreaming. What can we do to change things, we are powerless. Yes, None of this is possible unless we all unite and demand it together.

-Rights are won. The selfish, greedy overlords (corporations and govt.) will never give them to us. The 40 hour work week itself was won with blood, revolution and sacrifice. It took a fricking global pandemic to get partial remote work.

-What if we lived like human beings, not depressed drones constantly working till we die.

-I know I am not saying anything new. I know I am not the first one to say it. Maybe, this post won't achieve anything. Some will even scoff or criticize. But, At the very least, this is another post to remind you that we are all overworking. It's not just you. You are not a failure. It is not in your head.

-Working at least 8 hours everyday while the rest of our life is designed around work and is spent getting ready for or winding down from work, doing this for 40 to 45 years (if you are lucky enough to retire), This is not normal. This is not living. Life is not supposed to be like this. None of this is needed or necessary or productive.

-The other issue is higher wages. Living, thriving wages. But, I made this post for the subject of hours, for the time spent working.

If you have more reasons, supporting arguments, reasearch, test results, science, statistics, data, etc that supports a 20 hour work week, 5 hour work day, 4 day work week, 1000 hours a year for the same pay and benefits, please post them in comments. Thanks.

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