My wife and I recently moved, and there's a decent amount of clutter we haven't quite finished cleaning.
I was driving home from a quick store run before work the other day, and a box of strike anywhere matches that I didn't know were there spontaneously combusted on the floor of the passenger side of my car. Obviously my fault, sure.
Now I have 3rd degree burns on 3 of my fingers from trying to put out a fire with a polyester hat while driving 70+ on the highway.
Called work immediately to tell them what happened, and because it wasn't more than two hours before my shift started, I'm getting a writeup for an “improper callout”.
I made sure I called out 5 hours in advance today because my hand is bleeding and I can still taste burning plastic on my tongue.
I have the next two off, so I'll sign your bullshit writeup on Sunday.