
In an awkward spot. Feel like I’m overworked but not performing well at work compared to others.

Honestly not sure what I'm asking for here besides maybe a sympathetic ear as it dosn't feel like much can be done (besides get a new job which is with any luck in the moderatly near future). I work what I feel like is a fairly hard job. It's outdoors, apraising vehicals for auction (counting dents and scratches basically). There's a canopy overhead thank goodness but that doesn't stop it getting below freezing out there. I've ended up starting the days tired and ending them feeling a bit ill. First problem is this means it's a lot easier to get sick, especially in winter, but naturally we still have the same sick policy/limited number of sick days as the folks working in the nice airconditioned offices. I have gotten myself a talking to because of too many instances of getting sick which dispite not being listed in the contract was…

Honestly not sure what I'm asking for here besides maybe a sympathetic ear as it dosn't feel like much can be done (besides get a new job which is with any luck in the moderatly near future). I work what I feel like is a fairly hard job. It's outdoors, apraising vehicals for auction (counting dents and scratches basically). There's a canopy overhead thank goodness but that doesn't stop it getting below freezing out there. I've ended up starting the days tired and ending them feeling a bit ill.

First problem is this means it's a lot easier to get sick, especially in winter, but naturally we still have the same sick policy/limited number of sick days as the folks working in the nice airconditioned offices. I have gotten myself a talking to because of too many instances of getting sick which dispite not being listed in the contract was more disturbing to them then exceding the total number of sick days.

The second thing is the number of vehicals I can get done. I've been here a while so I know what I'm doing well enough to get a decent number done (35 tp 45 in 8 hours) but I'm still not doing as well as most other people (alegedly 60 or so in 8 hours but of course it's not like they let us see the data). I'm being pressured to somehow pick up the pace and do more, all the while playing a game of moving goal posts as to how strict I am with the damage I record. Anything I miss I have to signe off on as my fault for missing as the buyer can ask for compensation but being too strict will get me a talking too as well as it will discourge customers from using us as the car looses value. Naturally this is agonising on my sense of angsiety.

Third I've started getting badgered over spending too long on break. Two half hours (unpaid, time, naturally) that I measure as roughly when I sit down in the break room till when I get back up. I set a timmer to make sure I don't go over but I'm still getting called out.

I've also been agressivly encouraged recently to switch from four 10 hour shifts to five 8 hour shifts so I can theoretically get more cars done. Individually the days are less tiering still adds another comute and I feel like it's wrecked my work life balance since I was used to the three day 'week end' (I'm actually working the real week ends, which I don't mind but it's still something).

To top it all off we're thankfull not on minimum wage (bearly) but I can't help but feel that's heald over as as a reason we should be working ourselves to death to achieve imposibal targets.

No one is being too agressive about it all but there's a distinct feeling of fake conginiality with the Team Leader and line managers.

So… yeah. Having a bit of a rough time of it. Sorry for the rant but wanted to just let it out and make sure I'm not just wining and moping over nothing. I know others have it a lot worse but… well, that just makes me turn on myself for complaining over nothing. Honestly fee llike I'm bearly holding myself together. Logically thinking I'm right behind this reddit's sentiments, unfortunatly my self doubt, depression and so forth are kind of pushing back. It's just… driving me crazy on top of all the fatigue.

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