
In person interviews are a waste of time! We all need to pool together to let these corporations know we will hold the line.

I met another valiant worker on a staffing company construction assignment who enlightened me to this subject. His name is R and he told me how he goes about in a job search by getting practice communicating by email and phone but he does not do interviews. He is a ex-marine and earned my respect. I just had a phone interview and I held the line. I do not need to enter into a so called employers 3 ring circus of 2 interviews and the ole 'we'll let you know… bullsheet'

I met another valiant worker on a staffing company construction assignment who enlightened me to this subject. His name is R and he told me how he goes about in a job search by getting practice communicating by email and phone but he does not do interviews. He is a ex-marine and earned my respect. I just had a phone interview and I held the line. I do not need to enter into a so called employers 3 ring circus of 2 interviews and the ole 'we'll let you know… bullsheet'

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