
In trouble for looking for job

New manager sucks. One of my coworkers dimed me out and told him on my day off they saw me at the mall looking for a job. He talked to me to pry into my private business and basically was trying to say that if I was planning on leaving he’d just fire me now. This was after telling him about some personal problems being the reason I called out for one day and how extremely hard things have been for me. Like yeah, I’d love to add unemployment on top of all the stressful things going on in my life hes aware of If I wasn’t adamant on getting a new job in the first place I’m hell bent on it now lol

New manager sucks. One of my coworkers dimed me out and told him on my day off they saw me at the mall looking for a job. He talked to me to pry into my private business and basically was trying to say that if I was planning on leaving he’d just fire me now. This was after telling him about some personal problems being the reason I called out for one day and how extremely hard things have been for me. Like yeah, I’d love to add unemployment on top of all the stressful things going on in my life hes aware of

If I wasn’t adamant on getting a new job in the first place I’m hell bent on it now lol

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